Dansere på Dansens Hus

Our cultural guide to Oslo

We at Lysløypa have made an overview of places we want you to also go to and concepts we want you to know about. Places, people and initiatives with a lot of love, courage and a willingness to rethink both art and the city we live in.

But there is the need for an ever so small disclaimer: Oslo is such a rich cultural city, and then it is unfair to say that "this is the list, done talking." There are new initiatives coming up all the time, and we love to see that the city is constantly moving.

Text: The editors

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Inngangen til Kunstnernes hus i Oslo med gjester og en rød løper


It may be extravagant to say, but we dare to say that Kunstnernes Hus binds
generations, social strata and different cultures together. No one needs to be
professor to understand art. The colours, shapes and stories hit us from behind
the skin somewhere, anyway. Because we are aesthetic beings, and because we possess ability
to interpret reality based on both the abstract and the concrete.

Kunstnernes Hus is owned by Stiftelsen Kunstnernes Hus, which means that an independent artist-led group is involved in developing the house and all the magic that happens inside. The house can never promise you that you will like what hangs on the walls and stands on
the floors or rolls over the screens, but if you make the trip, I think we can promise you
that you will marvel at your short travel time across the planet, man's place on
it, and how on earth we manage our capacity for imagination and thought.

Wergelandsveien 17


PICTURE CREDTED:Kunstnernes Huss Helen Saether

Lys på scenen til Det andre Teatret i Oslo


Det Andre Teatret is Norway's largest improv theater with its own theater bar and outdoor seating. It's almost like a real theater, only more fun! If you haven't been there yet, you have something to look forward to. It is, in a way, extreme sports on stage – a group of actors and amateurs taking turns jumping into the unknown. There are low shoulders, high measurements and an incredible amount of slack. Oslo would have been grayer without Det Andre Teatret, and we love everything that happens in the building. In addition, they focus on children and young people, with improvisation courses and their own children's performances, everything is in place to ignite the theater spark in your and all other children, in a playful and fun way.

In addition, they are planning guest performances with fierce comedians that you might not have had the chance to experience if you had not entered the theater darkness at Lilleborg.

Remember waterproof mascara, you can come
to cry so you laugh, or vice versa.

Address: Ivan Bjørndals gate 9



Gallerivegg hos Kösk galleri i Bjørvika i Oslo


Kösk may have a name that you have to think about before you pronounce it, but there is little to think about when it comes to deciding whether to go there or not. Kösk is a gallery that shows some of the best in Norwegian contemporary art. The curators at Kösk are good at inviting in both newer and more established voices within the contemporary art scene, and are not afraid to challenge the established. We cheer for exhibition spaces that show an open attitude towards art and the many different expressions out there.

On your next stroll around the city, we think you should stop by Kösk, and let yourself be excited, provoked or maybe you will fall completely in love with a picture and buy it home.


Operagata 63A



Pecha Cucha med fullt lokale av gjester på forelesning om kultur og arkitektur


Stumbling across things you had no idea you were interested in is one of the nicest things
exists. Hoi hoi, the horizon is opening! PechaKucha Night Oslo is such a cultural event; you will be treated to 12 mini-lectures in the fields of architecture, design, film, art, music, while the atmosphere in the hall is bubbling. The concept started in Tokyo over 20 years ago and has spread to cities all over the world.

Oslo is one of the cities that has lasted the longest, driven forward by a dedicated volunteer editorial group that searches high and low, early and late, for the good story, which is conveyed by showing 20 images for 20 seconds, i.e. 20 x 20 = lecture in 6 minutes and 40 seconds. After holding two different PechaKucha pre-events, Christina (Lysløypa's editor) can confirm: This is EXTREME SPORT!


PS! PechaKucha is in
The light trail. Bring the book and you get 50% off entry for up to 2 people!

PICTURE CREDITED: Alexander Thorsen, Kim Reksten Gronneberg

Dansere på Scenen i grå kostymer i Dansens Hus i Oslo


In a sustainable society, we should buy less things and rather enjoy experiences. As
art. And dance! Such experiences can leave lasting traces in our memory. And just think about
the sustaining power needed to keep a dance partner on their toes. In 2008, a long struggle led by individuals and organizations was finally concluded: Dansens Hus opened. A brand new, functional and beautiful theater house in an old industrial hall by Akerselva. Thus, an important milestone for visibility, acceptance and recognition of the art of dance had been reached. Dansens Hus is Norway's national stage for dance and is the only stage in Norway that only shows dance performances. They show performances by various dance artists and companies, and embrace a wide range of the art of dance. Also for the very little ones – literally with performances for children from 0 years and upwards.

Stop by and let yourself be moved!

Address: Vulkan 1


PS! Dansens Hus is part of the Lysløypa. Bring the book with you and you get 2 tickets for the price of 1!


Gjester sitter i trappen i kulturlokalet til Hos Arne i Oslo


On Rodeløkka, somewhere behind the chocolate factory and the smell of sweets, there is a
rather anonymous brick building. And behind a fairly anonymous door, you will find one
of Oslo's finest oases; At Arne's. Gallery, culture center, lounge and a common room for the town's
people. You may be wondering who Arne is - it is Arne Næss that they have been inspired by, and in Arne's spirit they run the place with the pillars of democracy, dialogue, deep ecology and play. Moreover, everyone can take off their prejudices along with their shoes in the hallway, and
step into a warm living room with open arms, new thoughts and acquaintances.

Arne's is a place where the distinction between stage and audience is erased, and where
the dialogues around the long table become like a joint conversation. In a way it isn't
so dangerous who is sitting around the table and who is listening. We are there together.
In the same room, sharing the same air and the same wonder about man, the world and
the art.

into the living room you've been missing in the city you love, welcome to Hos Arne.


Address: Gøteborggata 27B



PS! Arne's home is part of the Light Trail. Take the book with you,
and you get 25% at the Salons!

PICTURE CREDITED: Malin Westermann, Marius Nakken Larsen

Redakjsonen i Subjekt samlet


Hedda's (Lysløypa's writer) first crush was a guy she admired from afar.
He winked slyly and flirtatiously, completely putting her off her game. He did
her heated and fascinated at the same time, kicked down closed doors, and set
fire her curiosity. He was the unruly crow with soul and personality, and with a
heart to push boundaries and create debate. He took her by storm, and such
we need those who dare to stand outside the masses and tread new paths. As
Subject: The challenger in a sea of ​​media giants. The major players own over 70
percent of newspaper circulation. While the concentration of power increases in the media, Subject et
stand-alone and independent alternative, and in addition Norway's fastest growing
newspaper. And that with a focus on art and culture! As principled defenders of it
artistic freedom of expression, they always want to invite debate in order to
ensure that cultural life is constantly developing for the better. Now she admires
close on.

PS! Subject is included in the Light Trail. You get 50% on a six-month subscription!

subjekt.no/pakke/halvarligand use the coupon code as you
found in the book!


Gjester i baren til Vega Scene i Oslo


In the unpretentious building at Hausmanns gate 28, you will find a quality cinema and a small urban theater for new drama. Vega Scene has made a strong impact since its opening in 2018 - in the cityscape, in the cultural scene, and in people's consciousness.

The cinema program is carefully selected, guaranteeing you quality films from both Norwegian and international distribution. Additionally, you can experience a variety of cool special screenings with introductions, music, filmmaker discussions, and premiere parties.

The theater stage at Vega Scene is dedicated to freshly written texts that offer a contemporary perspective on the times we live in. They have performed plays based on the texts and music of Sondre Justad and Cezinando, among others. The program consists of a good mix of established heavyweight artists and new, young writing and directing talents.

Not up for theater or cinema? Hang out in the bar or grab a bite to eat!

Address: Hausmanns gate 28
Website: vegascene.no

PS! Vega Scene is part of Lysløypa. With the book you'll get 2 tickets for the price of 1.

PICTURE CREDITED: Johnny Vaet Nordskog

Hanna Von Bergen og Christina fra Lysløypa på et cover bilde


More than five years ago, Hanna von Bergen and I (Christina, who runs Lysløypa), met at Java to chat about freelancing and something as sexy as accounting. In the midst of our bubbly conversation, Hanna said, "I've been thinking for a while that it would be cool to create a podcast for freelancers, so we can learn from each other." I was immediately thrilled, went home, and brainstormed ideas, and that was it! That's how Frilanslivet (aka “Freelance Life”) started – a podcast for everyone working for themselves in the media, art, and culture industry (and yes, it all began at... wait for it... a café!).
Starting a project involves a lot of hard work. One needs financing, one needs to block out already limited time and one needs to keep on going when the going gets tough. Because we know all this - after several years as freelancers and “project initiators” and after having produced 170 podcast episodes about this stuff - we have started offering courses. Maybe you need a 3-day crash course? Or a full-day seminar on how to apply for grants for cultural projects? We got it! We also have plenty of great digital resources!
So, if you are a freelancer, a free spirit, weathering storms, headwinds, tailwinds, and the occasional gentle breeze – welcome home!


Ps! Frilanslivet is part of Lysløypa, and the offer gives you 25% off a course or a digital resource.


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