Katrin Schauer og Ola Refsnes og Christina Skreiberg

Farewell from the previous editors

Because we won't let them escape without a final word...

Do you remember the theater boat MS Innvik? It grew old, rusty, and sank. But before that, it had the opportunity to be part of the first edition of Lysløypa. That was in 2009 when we were still so naive, believing we had the world in the palm of our hand.

If you've watched the TV series Succession, you know what it's like to run a media empire. Yep, that's exactly how it's been. The title of the series is a spoiler – there must be a successor. No tree grows to the sky without dedicated effort. And after 14 years, we are starting to show some signs of wear and tear. Now we have reached a point where we want to do new things. Now there is a need for fresh energy to find and create new Lysløypa-trails. Fear not! Unlike Logan Roy, we are not passing our imperium on to one of our unpleasant children. We are handing it on to someone we consider a friend, someone we have known since the journey began.

When we opened Liebling café at Grünerløkka, we received a reality check. Running a small business is quite a struggle, especially in the café and restaurant industry. Lysløypa was conceived as a side project with a desire to attract people to the small and independent places in our city. Major chains like Starbucks, Fox News, and Waystar threatened diversity. We wanted you to support your local dealer.

With the pandemic, we had an involuntary pause which gave us an opportunity to renew ourselves. We wanted Lysløypa to also focus on climate and the environment. Setting criteria for which places operate sustainably is not easy, but we wanted to highlight places that at least made an effort. From cafés that grow their own herbs on the roof to restaurants that use only local ingredients and minimize food waste. These places are not only good for the stomach, but also for the soul and our planet.

Throughout these years, we have learned incredibly much, met amazing people in Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, and Fredrikstad. We have participated in Christmas markets, crossed the city’s different neighborhoods, eaten and drank our way through every street, square, and alley. We have met passionate individuals in nature conservation, design, art, coffee, saunas, gastronomy, and gentrification. We have encountered those who have started a new place, full of enthusiasm, and we have met brokenhearted entrepreneurs who have had to give up their dreams.

We are proud of what we have accomplished, but it was time to let someone else take over. 

That's why we are incredibly happy to have found a worthy successor who we are confident will continue to create new trails, develop the concept, and continue to discover new and old, known and unknown gems in our city. And who knows, maybe there will be a Lysløypa New York in a few years.

We want to express our gratitude to everyone who has helped us throughout the years. Friends and family who have put up with us during the hectic final weeks, the hundreds of participating venues that have been part of the journey, and especially our fantastic illustrator, Mariken Halle.

Thank you!

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