This is how Lysløypa works
- The book and vouchers are valid from December 1, 2024 to December 31, 2025. You can use your book for 13 months.
- Browse the book, get inspired, and find the place you want to visit!
- Take Lysløypa with you on your outing, and show the book when you make a purchase. You’ll get a discount, and the book will be signed.
- Lysløypa can be used once per location.
- Where there’s a 2-for-1 offer, the cheaper of the two items (dish, coffee, or pastry) is free.
- Most discounts apply to up to two people, so you can use Lysløypa on your own or bring a lucky guest!
- If you book tickets on any of the locations' websites, use the discount code provided in the book and show Lysløypa upon arrival.
- Digital codes are personal and can only be used once. We trust that you will respect this and not share the codes with others. We are a small organization, and so are most of the places in the book.
- Follow us on Instagram (@lysloypa) and sign up for our newsletter – this will remind you to use the book! We’ve added all the locations to this Google map. This way, you can get an overview, even on your phone!
- Most importantly: Enjoy yourself!