Apply to participate in Lysløypa in 2025

Apply to participate in Lysløypa 2025!

Every year, we select 40 participants whom we invite to join Lysløypa. Therefore, we are always on the lookout for fantastic places in our city!

Would you like to apply to be a part of the next edition of Lysløypa?

If you are chosen to participate, it's free, but it involves offering a discount that customers can use once. This attracts new visitors to your location. Your place will be featured in the Lysløypa book (a double-page spread with text and photo), as well as on our social media platforms.

Apply to participate in Lysløypa 2025 Oslo!

Apply to participate in Lysløypa 2025 Bergen!

You don't need to log in or have a Google account to use the forms.

You can apply anytime, but to be considered for the 2025 editions, applications must be submitted by June 1, 2024.

The application is non-binding. You will be contacted if we’re going to collaborate.

Would you like to suggest a location to us? Write to us at

If you have some friends who runs a great place? Or would you like to cheer on your local café? Please send them a link to this page! 😊