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    Text: Hedda E. Gray Lægreid

    Photo: Dev Dhunsi

    My first crush was a guy I admired from a distance. He would wink playfully and flirtatiously at me, completely throwing me off guard. He made me excited and fascinated at the same time, he kicked down closed doors and ignited my curiosity. He was a troublemaker with soul and uniqueness, with a heart for pushing boundaries and sparking debate. He took me by storm, and we need people like that, those who dare to challenge and stand outside the masses and pave new paths. Like Subjekt: The challenger in a big pool of media giants. The major players own over 70 percent of newspaper circulation. While power concentration increases in the media, Subjekt is an independent alternative, and also Norway's fastest growing newspaper. And all with a focus on art and culture! As principled defenders of artistic freedom of expression, they always open up for debate to ensure continuous development of the cultural scene. Now I admire up close.
