• To menn sitter i en sofa og jobber freelance på co-work stedet Bergen Works
  • For you who have the Lysløypa-book:

    50% off flex desk for one month

    Tekst: Ida Frisch

    Foto: Øystein Fure

    There's no denying that freelance life, or working without a fixed office, can be a peculiar exercise at times. Sitting at home can get lonely, and spending every day in a café, can dry out your bank account. But with the emergence of co-working spaces, it's become a different dance. Bergen.Works is one of these places, offering office space, a printer, coffee, meeting rooms, mentoring, and a constantly changing community of people with thoughts about the world and how we can make it better.

    The cornerstone of Bergen.Works is social innovation, with a focus on the different members also participating in the creative community as mentors, innovators, job seekers, or growth companies. 

    Welcome to your new workspace! By using this offer, you also get one free trial day. 

    Address: Vestre Skostredet 2


    Booking: hello@bergen.works