•  Et kaffebrenneri på Møhlenpris i Bergen som serverer kaffe og mat
  • For you who have the Lysløypa-book:

    25% off on course

    Tekst: Ida Frisch

    Foto: Ragnhild Storsletten Åse

    The folks at Bergen Kaffebrenneri describe each type of coffee that enters the roastery as a new friend, deserving its very own welcome. Imagine drinking coffee that's treated like a good friend! Bergen Kaffebrenneri is a great example of what happens when love for a natural resource becomes a livelihood. Here, it's a combination of nerdy knowledge, enthusiasm for sharing, and heightened taste buds that drives the shop forward.

    In the roastery at Møhlenpris, they have a café where you can taste delicious coffee, buy food, and educate yourself. If you're feeling particularly excited, you can sign up for courses! Learn latte art like a pro, book a personal coffee trainer for yourself and up to three friends, discover the various beans and aromas – welcome to the world of flavors. Visit the website, use the discount code, bring your book!

    Address: Kong Christian Frederiks plass 6

